“auffordern js” Code-Antworten

JavaScript -Eingabeaufforderung

// window.prompt() => Prompt for user input and return the value:
const person = prompt("Please enter your name");

console.log( "Hello " + person + " !" );

// The 2nd argument (optional) holds the default value:
const color = prompt("Enter a color name", "red");

So erhalten Sie eine Benutzereingabe in JS

Copyvar name = window.prompt("Enter your name: ");
alert("Your name is " + name);
Cute Cormorant


var sign = prompt("Jaki jest twój znak zodiaku?");
if (sign.toLowerCase() == "skorpion")
   alert("Wow! Też jestem Skorpionem!");
Mateusz Przybylski

JS Window.Prompt

// window.prompt(message);
`window.prompt` opens a confirmation dialog with an "Ok"
and "Cancel" button. Upon receiving input, the dialog is
closed and a boolean is returned. `window.prompt` returns
the input string if the "Ok" button was pressed or null
if "Cancel" was pressed.

const user_input = window.prompt("Hello, what language do you code in?");

if (user_input && user_input.trim()) {
	window.alert(user_input + "! Cool!");
} else {
	window.alert("Oh no! You don't seem to have written anything...");
Note that this will pause code execution until
the dialog receives input. You can't fully get
around this, however using asynchronous
functions or promises, you can get other
statements to be called just after the dialog
is closed and before the dialog returns its
window.prompt = (function() {
	const synchronous_confirm = window.prompt;
	return async function(message) {
		return synchronous_confirm(message);
// OR
window.prompt = (function() {
	const synchronous_confirm = window.prompt;
	return function(message) {
		return new Promise((res, rej) => {
			try {
			} catch (error) {

auffordern js

//Type your message in the prompt window and this code will count how many characters you have typed and how many characters left if limit is 180 characters. 
var message = prompt("Please enter your message.");
var messageLength = message.length;
var charactersLeft = 180 - messageLength;
alert ("You have written " + messageLength + "characters" + ", you have left " + charactersLeft + "characters");
Oleksandr Shevchuk

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