“JS -Fehlerbehandlung” Code-Antworten

Versuchen Sie es mit JavaScript zu fangen

try {
  // Try to run this code 
catch(err) {
  // if any error, Code throws the error
finally {
  // Always run this code regardless of error or not
  //this block is optional

JavaScript versuchen Sie es

var someNumber = 1;
try {
  someNumber.replace("-",""); //You can't replace a int
} catch(err) {

JS -Fehlerbehandlung

// ES2022

function readFiles(filePaths) {
  return filePaths.map(
    (filePath) => {
      try {
        // ···
      } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(
          `While processing ${filePath}`,
          {cause: error}

// For more: https://2ality.com/2021/06/error-cause.html
Puzzled Puffin

So behandeln Sie Fehler JS

// just sample try catch javascript
try {
  // doing some methods
}catch (e) {
  // showing message or other proses you want
Indonesia People

Fehlerbehandlung im Knoten JS

app.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
  Promise.resolve().then(function () {
    throw new Error('BROKEN')
  }).catch(next) // Errors will be passed to Express.
Beautiful Badger

JavaScript -Fehlerbehandlung

    // catch error and do something

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