“JS setInterval laufen sofort aus” Code-Antworten

JS setInterval laufen sofort aus

function foo() {
   // do stuff
   // ...

   // and schedule a repeat
   setTimeout(foo, delay);

// start the cycle
Naughty Newt

Intervall verwalten für JavaScript

var IntervalManager =

 set : Set an interval using setInterval and store its ID
  IntervalManager.set( "uniqueID", function reference, milliseconds );    

 clear : Clear an interval and forget its ID
  IntervalManager.clear( "uniqueID" );

 any : Detect if any intervals are active. Returns ID of first active or false.
  if( IntervalManager.any() )

 clearAll : Clears all intervals whose IDs are stored and forgets their IDs 


 intervals : [/*28432953637269707465726C61746976652E636F6D*/],

 set : function( intervalID, funcRef, period )
  if( !this.intervals[ intervalID ] )  

   this.intervals[ intervalID ] = setInterval( funcRef, period );
   alert("Attempted to set " + intervalID + ' more than once.');

 clear : function( id )
  clearInterval( this.intervals[ id ] );  

  delete this.intervals[ id ];  


 clearAll : function()
  var table = this.intervals;  

  for( var i in table )
   clearInterval( table[ i ] );
   delete table[ i ];  



 any : function()
  var table = this.intervals, found = false;  

  for( var i in table )
   if( table[ i ] !== null )
    found = table[ i ];  



  return found;

Mehdi Grn

wie man eine Funktion nach einem festgelegten Intervall JS macht

function sayHi() {
//Do a function at a set interval continuously
setTimeout(sayHi, 1000);
//Do a function once after a set interval
setTimeout(sayHi, 1000);
Cruel Chamois

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