“WÄHLEN AUS” Code-Antworten

Rückgabespalten aus der Tabelle SQL zurück

FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS -- INFORMATION_SCHEMA is an ANSI-standard (American National Standard Institute) set of read-only views which provide information about all of the tables, views, columns, and procedures in a database
WHERE TABLE_NAME = N'Customers' -- "N" defines the subsequent string (the string after the N) as being in unicode


{"header":{"timstamp":0,"customerId":null,"msisdn":null,"messageCode":null,"responseCode":"1200","responseMessage":"Your Session has been expired, please sign in to continue","locale":null,"referenceId":null,"channelId":null,"responeAdditionalParameters":null},"body":null}
Impossible Iguana

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