“LUA ROUND NUMPER” Code-Antworten


local number = 15.57
local number2 = 15.23

print(math.floor(number + 0.5)) --16
print(math.floor(number2 + 0.5)) --15

Runde zur nächsten Nummer Lua

--You can round answers to the nearest multiple of a number
--For example, rounding 13 to the nearest multiple of 3 is 12, since 12 is
--divisible by 3
local number = 15.2
local multiple = 3 --the multiple you choose
print(math.floor(number/multiple+0.5)*multiple --Add 0.5
--Or just round to the nearest whole number
print(math.floor(number + 0.5))
Thankful Termite

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