Python zwischen Vererbung und Zusammensetzung
Choosing Between Inheritance and Composition in Python
Python, as an object oriented programming language, supports both inheritance
and composition.
You saw that inheritance is best used to model an is a relationship, whereas
composition models a has a relationship.
Sometimes, it’s hard to see what the relationship between two classes should
be, but you can follow these guidelines:
Use inheritance over composition in Python to model a clear is a
relationship. First, justify the relationship between the derived
class and its base. Then, reverse the relationship and try to justify it.
If you can justify the relationship in both directions, then you should
not use inheritance between them.
Use inheritance over composition in Python to leverage both the interface
and implementation of the base class.
Use inheritance over composition in Python to provide mixin features to
severalunrelated classes when there is only one implementation of that
Use composition over inheritance in Python to model a has a relationship
that leverages the implementation of the component class.
Use composition over inheritance in Python to create components that can
be reused by multiple classes in your Python applications.
Use composition over inheritance in Python to implement groups of
behaviors and policies that can be applied interchangeably to other
classes to customize their behavior.
Use composition over inheritance in Python to enable run-time behavior
changes without affecting existing classes.
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