So implementieren Sie NFA in Python
#nfa simulation for (a|b)*abb
#state 4 is a trap state
import sys
def main():
transition = [[[0,1],[0]], [[4],[2]], [[4],[3]], [[4],[4]]]
input = raw_input("enter the string: ")
input = list(input) #copy the input in list because python strings are immutable and thus can't be changed directly
for index in range(len(input)): #parse the string of a,b in 0,1 for simplicity
if input[index]=='a':
final = "3" #set of final states = {3}
start = 0
i=0 #counter to remember the number of symbols read
trans(transition, input, final, start, i)
print "rejected"
def trans(transition, input, final, state, i):
for j in range (len(input)):
for each in transition[state][int(input[j])]: #check for each possibility
if each < 4: #move further only if you are at non-hypothetical state
state = each
if j == len(input)-1 and (str(state) in final): #last symbol is read and current state lies in the set of final states
print "accepted"
trans(transition, input[i+1:], final, state, i) #input string for next transition is input[i+1:]
i = i+1 #increment the counter
Enthusiastic Elephant