Wie man ein Radio in Python macht
# Importing Tkinter module
from tkinter import *
# from tkinter.ttk import *
# Creating master Tkinter window
master = Tk()
# Tkinter string variable
# able to store any string value
v = StringVar(master, "1")
# Dictionary to create multiple buttons
values = {"RadioButton 1" : "1",
"RadioButton 2" : "2",
"RadioButton 3" : "3",
"RadioButton 4" : "4",
"RadioButton 5" : "5"}
# Loop is used to create multiple Radiobuttons
# rather than creating each button separately
for (text, value) in values.items():
Radiobutton(master, text = text, variable = v,
value = value, indicator = 0,
background = "light blue").pack(fill = X, ipady = 5)
# Infinite loop can be terminated by
# keyboard or mouse interrupt
# or by any predefined function (destroy())