“Wie man Konsole in Python löscht” Code-Antworten

Python Clear Console

import sys, os


wie man Konsole Python löscht

import os
os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')
Calm Crocodile

Clear Screen Python

Import os
os.system("clear") # Linux - OSX
os.system("cls") # Windows
Clever Crab

Python Clear Console

print('\033[H\033[J', end='')
Dead Dog

Clear Console Python

import sys
import os

if os.name == 'nt':
# the reason i used "if os.name == 'nt'" is because the operating system "nt"
# is windows, and windows can only use the command "cls" to clear the
# console, if a linux user is using your program then it'll throw an error
# because only command prompt uses "cls"
The God of Monkeys

Wie man Konsole in Python löscht

import os
Trollboy J

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