“Bild HTML” Code-Antworten


<p><img src="image/example.jpg" alt="Example1" width="193" height="130"> (width:193px, height:130px)</p>

<p><img src="image/example.jpg" alt="Example2" width="96" height="65"> (width:96px, height:65px)</p>

<p><img src="image/example.jpg" alt="Example3" width="100%" height="130"> (width:100%, height:130px)</p>
Sham be grovin

HTML Importeur une Bild

<!DOCTYPE html>
     <!-- Pour utiliser une image à partir d'un lien, cous pouvez utiliser
 	      Cette commande : <img src="votre lien"> voici un exemple -->
      <img src="https://www.qries.com/images/banner_logo.png"
       width="150" height="70">
Delightful Dove

Wie codiert man ein Bild in HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML img Tag</title>

      <img src="/html/images/test.png" alt="Simply Easy Learning" width="200"
Collared Lemming

HTML So fügen Sie ein Bild hinzu

<img src="flowers.jpg" alt="flowers">

//Always add the image type (jpg,png, etc) Adding alt text
is also good coding practice :)


<img src="smiley.gif" alt="Smiley face" height="42" width="42">
Excited Earthworm


<!DOCTYPE html>
/* This style sets the width of all images to 100%: */
img {
  width: 100%;

<h2>Width/Height Attributes or Style?</h2>

<p>The first image uses the width attribute (set to 128 pixels), but the style in the head section overrides it, and sets the width to 100%.</p>

<img src="html5.gif" alt="HTML5 Icon" width="128" height="128">

<p>The second image uses the style attribute to set the width to 128 pixels, this will not be overridden by the style in the head section:</p>

<img src="html5.gif" alt="HTML5 Icon" style="width:128px;height:128px;">

andi liani

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