“HTML -Link” Code-Antworten

HTML -Link

<a href="url">link text</a>
Shy Shark

HTML -Link

<a href="https://www.google.com/">Link to google</a>
Hello There

So erstellen Sie Links in HTML

<a href="link.html"> text link </a> <!-- link to html -->
<a href="google.com" URL> Google </a> <!-- link to site -->
<a href="link.html"><button> Link </button></a> <!-- Button link -->
Famous Fly

HTML -Links

<a href="URL">Text</a>
Rick Astley

ein HREF zu einer anderen Website

<a href="https://examplesite.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
  Example Link

HTML -Link

<a href="link">Title of link</a>
<!--  Change link, change link title, add target="_blank" in anchor tag(<a></a>) if you want it to open in new tab. -->
Coder August The First

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