Python Excel -Zusammenführungszelle

import xlsxwriter

# Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet.
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('merge1.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

# Create a format to use in the merged range.
merge_format = workbook.add_format({
    'bold': 1,
    'border': 1,
    'align': 'center',
    'valign': 'vcenter',
    'fg_color': 'yellow'})

# Test to add in merged cell
text = "This is a merged cell!"
# Merge 3 cells.
worksheet.merge_range('B4:D4', text, merge_format)

# Merge 3 cells over two rows.
worksheet.merge_range('B7:D8', text, merge_format)
# Will save on file
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