“Text an QR -Code Python” Code-Antworten

So zeigen Sie den QR -Code in Python an

import os
import qrcode

img = qrcode.make("https://Your-URL-here")

img.save("qr.png", "PNG")

os.system("display qr.png")
Piche Traful

Python -Bibliothek zur Erstellung von QR -Codes

pip install qrcode[pil]
Upset Unicorn

Text an QR -Code Python

Attractive Armadillo

Text an QR -Code Python

            'nam': {'fn': 'Musterfrau-Gößinger', family name
                    'fnt': 'MUSTERFRAU<GOESSINGER',
                    'gn': 'Gabriele', given name
                    'gnt': 'GABRIELE'},
            'v': [{'ci': 'URN:UVCI:01:AT:10807843F94AEE0EE5093FBC254BD813#B', certificate ID
                   'co': 'AT', country of vaccination
                   'dn': 1, doses received
                   'dt': '2021-02-18', date of vaccination
                   'is': 'Ministry of Health, Austria', cert issuer
                   'ma': 'ORG-100030215', vaccine manufacturer
                   'mp': 'EU/1/20/1528', vaccine product id
                   'sd': 2, total number of doses
                   'tg': '840539006', targeted disease (COVID-19)
                   'vp': '1119349007'}], vaccine or prophylaxis
            'ver': '1.2.1'}}, schema version
 1: 'AT', QR code issuer
 4: 1624458597, QR code expiry
 6: 1624285797} QR code generated
Attractive Armadillo

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