“Linux RAM Info” Code-Antworten

Linux -Überprüfung der RAM -Frequenz

sudo lshw -short -C memory

Linux RAM Info

free -mh
Elated Eagle

So erhalten Sie RAM -Details unter Linux

sudo dmidecode --type 17
Blushing Bird

Ubuntu Ram Typ

sudo dmidecode | grep -A 15 Memory
Agreeable Aardvark

Überprüfen Sie die VM -RAM -Details unter Linux

sudo dmidecode -t 17

RAM Info Unix

#Without root (total memory, available memory, etc)
less /proc/meminfo
vmstat -s
free -mh
#Or you can just look at the 4th and 5th line of "top" command
#And press "m" letter from the keyboard while looking at "top" 
#for a better visualization of free RAM

#With root access (Memory type, speed, free, ...) -> more infos
sudo dmidecode -type memory
Big Feeeeeb

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