“Linux Set Multiline Variable” Code-Antworten

Linux Set Multiline Variable

# in a bash script the following works:


text="this is line one\nthis is line two\nthis is line three"
echo -e $text > filename

# alternatively:
text="this is line one
this is line two
this is line three"
echo "$text" > filename

# cat filename gives:
this is line one
this is line two
this is line three

Linux Set Multiline Variable

read -r -d '' my_variable << \


Linux Set Multiline Variable

# If you're trying to get the string into a variable, another easy way is something like this:

USAGE=$(cat <<-END
    This is line one.
    This is line two.
    This is line three.

#If you indent your string with tabs (i.e., '\t'), the indentation will be stripped out. If you indent with spaces, the indentation will be left in.

#NOTE: It is significant that the last closing parenthesis is on another line. The END text must appear on a line by itself.

Linux Set Multiline Variable

# You may use echo:

echo    "this is line one"   \
    "\n""this is line two"   \
    "\n""this is line three" \
    > filename
#It does not work if you put "\n" just before \ on the end of a line.

# Alternatively, you can use printf for better portability (I happened to have a lot of problems with echo):

printf '%s\n' \
    "this is line one"   \
    "this is line two"   \
    "this is line three" \
    > filename

# Yet another solution might be:

text="${text}this is line one\n"
text="${text}this is line two\n"
text="${text}this is line three\n"
printf "%b" "$text" > filename


text+="this is line one\n"
text+="this is line two\n"
text+="this is line three\n"
printf "%b" "$text" > filename

Linux Set Multiline Variable

echo | tee /tmp/pipetest << EndOfMessage
This is line 1.
This is line 2.
Line 3.

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