“Java Null” Code-Antworten

Java überprüft nach Null

Objects.isNull(obj) //returns true if the object is null

Objects.nonNull(obj) //returns true if object is not-null

if(Objects.nonNull(foo) && foo.something()) // Uses short-circuit as well. No Null-pointer Exceptions are thrown.

Python Null

a = None
Silly Shrike

JavaScript ist null

var myVar=null;

if(myVar === null){
    //I am null;

if (typeof myVar === 'undefined'){
    //myVar is undefined

Java Null

Primitive types: int, double, boolean, etc.
	// can't be "null"

Object types: String, other Classes
	// can be "null", if no value was given.

String a;			// a = null
String b = null;	// b = null

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