“Kotlin ist wie Java” Code-Antworten

Kotlin ist wie Java

var myVariable = 42
myVariable = 50

val myConstant = 42
Busy Butterfly

Kotlin ist wie Java

val label = "The width is "
val width = 94
val widthLabel = label + width
// The width is 94
Busy Butterfly

Kotlin ist wie Java

val apples = 3
val oranges = 5
val fruitSummary = "I have ${apples + oranges} " +
                   "pieces of fruit."
Busy Butterfly

Kotlin ist wie Java

println("Hello, world!")
Busy Butterfly

Kotlin ist wie Java

val explicitDouble: Double = 70.0
Busy Butterfly

Kotlin ist wie Java

val age = 42

if (age < 10) {
    println("You're too young to watch this movie")
} else if (age < 13) {
    println("You can watch this movie with a parent")
} else {
    println("You can watch this movie")
Busy Butterfly

Kotlin ist wie Java

const val SYSTEM_DEPRECATED: String = "System is deprecated"
Busy Butterfly

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