“JavaScript Plocken” Code-Antworten

Zupfen JavaScript

function pluck(arr, key) {
  return arr.map(obj => obj[key]);
Suman Majhi

JavaScript Plocken

// Write a function that returns an array of only the objects with truthy values
// for the passed in key.
// pluckTruthy({a: 1, b: '', c: false}, 'a') => [1]
// pluckTruthy({a: 1, b: '', c: false}, 'b') => []
// pluckTruthy({a: 1, b: '', c: false}, 'c') => []
// pluckTruthy({a: 1, b: '', c: false}, 'd') => []
function pluckTruthy(obj, key) {
  var result = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
    if (obj[i][key]) {
  return result;

// console.log(pluckTruthy({a: 1, b: '', c: false}, 'a'));
Caffeinated Developer

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